
The Story of Edwards Garage – 85 Years and Counting!

Charlie Edwards started his Franchised Chevrolet Dealership back in 1929 and we are certain that he couldn't have envisioned what his small business would turn into.  In the following years, he also obtained the franchise for Oldsmobile vehicles.  When Charlie Edwards passed away in 1949, the Garage was left to his wife, Myrtle Edwards (nee Kennedy), however at that time, a woman was not allowed by the auto manufacturer to hold a GM franchise, therefore a man was required to manage the business.

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As a result, Myrtle sold an interest of the business to Bob Barber, who was the local Massey Ferguson Dealer.  In 1954, Myrtle purchased back the interest from Bob, and hired a man named Mel Reed, a service station operator from Nordegg, to help manage the Garage and Dealership.  During this time, Myrtle's son, Clayton Kennedy, worked at the garage after school "learning the ropes". Anywhere help was needed, Clayton was there.  Mel left Edwards Garage in 1955 and a short time later, GM changed their policy and women were granted the rights to be franchise holders so Clayton stayed on to manage the dealership for her.  A number of years later, Clayton purchased the company shares from his mother and older brother Larry.


Upon graduating from Automotive Marketing & Management, Clayton's son Brent, began working in the Sales Department up until he was offered the opportunity to purchase the dealership from Clayton in 1997.  Brent's oldest son Zachery, who has also completed Automotive Marketing & Management is currently working at Edwards Garage in the Sales Department and is "learning the ropes" for the future.

Celebrating over 85 years in business, generation through generation.....




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